
Please fill out this form if you would like to apply to adopt Jimmy: https://cutt.ly/qUBgpt9

Roommate(s) wanted for non-professional, very fluffy girl named Jimmy,

Calm (except when having secret play sessions with her favourite mouse toy).

Tidy (just don’t ask her current roommate about that time Jimmy got her paws on a toilet roll and teepeed the entire sitting room. We all have our occasional wild nights, right?).

Will respect your personal space and asks that you respect hers (while happy to curl up on a blanket in the sitting room and watch a movie with her roommates, Jimmy is still not the biggest fan of pets and is not afraid to use her hisses to let you know. She’s a polite girl though and never swipes).

Jimmy’s references from current roommate: Since moving in with her current roommate, Jimmy has been slowly coming out of her shell and starting to show the fun personality hidden underneath all that fluff. However, she is most active, and most mischievous, when nobody is looking! She would be happiest living with a family who are looking for a kitty roommate that will be happy to hang out in the same space but also needs their own alone time. She’ll eat your food, expect you to clean up after her, and pretend to listen to you complain about work when you get home. Wait, kitty roommates sound a lot like human ones…

Jimmy is FIV+ which means she is a lower immunity and may have re-occurring sniffles – but with good quality food and regular check-ups she will do very well


FIV is a retrovirus infection which affects cats that works by killing or damaging cells in a cat’s immune system

FIV+ cats have lower immunity and need good quality food and regular vet visits

Cats with FIV often have similar life spans to cats without it and can live long, healthy, happy lives

FIV is mainly transmitted through deep bits and mating therefore once neutered, FIV+ is rarely transmittable

FIV is not transmittable to non-cats (including humans, dogs etc)

Break the stigma and adopt an FIV+ who are just as deserving of a loving forever home!

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