Bella and Betty are 7 week old bonded sisters and ready to find their forever home
Bella is black, she is a sweet, cuddly, gentle and affectionate pet. She loves to curl up in your lap for long, peaceful naps.
Betty is black&white, she is a playful, energetic kitten who is full of life and ready for adventure. With boundless curiosity and a love for chasing toys, she’s always on the move. Friendly and fun-loving, she’ll keep you entertained with het playful antics and energetic spirit.
They have had a flea and worm treatment and now ready to come live with you, as long as you’ve had your informal home check done.
They will need to be spayed when they are 16-20 weeks old but the great people in Last Hope will give you a voucher to use with their vet in Navan.
If you’d like to adopt them please apply on